Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chinese New Year

After our morning run, H and I strolled down to the parade Sunday morning. It was a beautiful day--sunny and warmer than expected. As a result, the parade route and Chinatown area were even more packed with people than anticipated (an estimated 200,000 people visisted the festivities throughout the day). But the parade was still good fun. The costumes were colorful, and the music was lively. My favorite were the smaller dragon-type things (seen below). They remind me the creatures from Fraggle Rock for some reason.

If you can't tell, it was extremely sunny where I was taking pictures, but I managed to get a few goods ones. I've uploaded a few more than I've posted to my Flickr account. Feel free to check them out. I also took some video of the large dragons "dancing" while I was at it. I might upload those to YouSendIt if I have time.

I tried to venture into Chinatown in the afternoon, but the crowds were just too overwhelming. If you look at the "Entrance to Chinatown" picture, you'll see what I mean.

In the evening, we went to the Chinese New Year party thrown by a group of girls in my program. We got a bit lost on the way there (entirely my fault), but H and I managed to arrive right on time. Although ordering and paying for the food was a bit of a hassle, it ended up being a really good time in the end. Almost everyone in my program was there, including two professors. I managed to make tentative Super Bowl plans for next week. It'll require staying up half the night, but I would really love to catch the game.

All-in-all, it was my best Chinese New Year celebration ever, even if was my first. ;)

I've got to write-up another blog post now. All sorts of interesting things happened in Lewes!


At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not your first! I have a picture of you and Laura DeVito at a Chinese New Year's celebration in the basement of the Congregation Church, hosted by the Chinese students. But not quite as colorful. . . .


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